WazirX Free Crypto Widgets » WazirX Crypto Ticker Widget
WazirX Crypto Ticker Widget
WazirX Crypto Price Ticker widget, which you can easily integrate into your website, blog, or article.

Just copy-paste the code to embed a beautiful crypto price ticker on your website.
Refer and Earn
Just copy-paste the code to embed a beautiful crypto price ticker on your website.

🎉 It’s entirely free!
Earning Opportunity
You can now earn with nearly zero effort when you integrate this code on your site. WazirX has a unique referral program through which you can earn 50% of trading fees paid by your users. In simple words, if you embed this code on your website and add your referral code to it, when any user signups on WazirX from your site through this widget, you will get 50% of their trading fees as referral.
For example:
If you refer 10 people, and each pays a trading fee of 100 WRX in a month, then you end up earning 50% of 1,000 i.e. 500 WRX.
Steps to generate referral code and How to use it
If you are an existing WazirX User, you can copy the referral code from your profile. Follow these steps to find your referral code:
Step 1
After you’ve logged into your WazirX Account
On Mobile: Go to your account and then click on Invite and Earn.
On Web: Go to your account, click on ‘Account Settings; and then on Referral or Invite and Earn 50% Fees. Alternatively, you can use this link – https://wazirx.com/referral
Step 2
Use iframe or WordPress plugin to embed the widget
Method: Iframe
<div data-referral_code="YOUR_REFERRAL_CODE" id="wx-ticker"></div> <script> var d=document,t="script",o=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];o.src="https://wazirx.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/wx-iframe-widgets/public/js/wx-widgets.js?ver=1.0.0",o.addEventListener("load",function(){wxTicker({referral_code: document.querySelector('#wx-ticker').dataset.referral_code}).render("#wx-ticker")},!1),s.parentNode.insertBefore(o,s); </script>
Method: WordPress Plugin