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Wrapped crypto token and its working

By June 2, 2021May 10th, 20234 minute read

Cryptocurrencies are taking over financial markets across the world, even more so since the Covid pandemic of 2020. If you have thought to buy crypto in India, you might know this thing about cryptocurrencies: native crypto tokens from a specific blockchain can’t be used on other blockchain platforms. So before wrapped tokens, if you wanted to buy cryptocurrencies in India, you’d have had to buy different tokens for the blockchain platforms you wanted to be a part of. However, wrapped tokens quite efficiently solve that problem now. 

And what are wrapped tokens, you wonder? In this post, we answer that question for you, and tell you about the workings of wrapped tokens. So if you’re looking to buy crypto in India, you’d better give this post a read!

What is a Wrapped Token?

Before wrapped tokens, you couldn’t use the token from one blockchain on another, as mentioned before. So you couldn’t use ETH for a bitcoin exchange on the Bitcoin platform, you couldn’t use BTC on the Binance Smart Chain, and so on and so forth. However, wrapped tokens solve that problem by acting as bridges between blockchain platforms.  

You can think of a wrapped token as a tokenized representation of a  cryptocurrency on a blockchain said crypto isn’t native to. Wrapped tokens are named thus because it’s like symbolically putting a crypto into a wrapper, a wrapper that is actually a digital vault that allows the minting of the wrapped token. 

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Wrapped tokens exist on the Ethereum blockchain, and they represent the same value as the actual value of the crypto they stand for. Ethereum’s wrapped tokens are based on the standard for the usual Ethereum tokens – the ERC-20 token standard.  Wrapped tokens’ values can be pegged to the crypto they represent through smart contacts, or they can be backed by the crypto they represent at the ratio of 1:1, like stablecoins. Take WBTC, for example. WBTC, or Wrapped Bitcoin, represents Bitcoin on the Ethereum platform. An ERC-20 token, a WBTC holds the same value as an actual BTC. The protocol uses a smart contract algorithm to update WBTC’s price according to the real BTC’s price and maintain WBTC’s underlying fund and acquire the needed supply.

Wrapped Tokens vs. Smart Contracts:

Speaking of smart contracts, if you’re familiar with the world of crypto, you might realize that wrapped tokens sound a lot like stablecoins, both representing the values of another asset. The basic difference is this: while the price of a stablecoin can be tethered to a number of assets, including fiat currencies like the USD, other cryptocurrencies, and physical assets like precious metals, a wrapped token is only a symbol of a cryptocurrency on a non-native blockchain. 

So, How Do Wrapped Tokens Work?

In a wrapped token’s working, there’s a number of organizational positions involved, as are algorithmic checks and balances. The mechanism behind the wrapped tokens ensures their trustless nature. dApps, or decentralized applications, are able to process wrapped token transactions quickly and effortlessly, for in this case they don’t have to be  conducted across more than one blockchains.

As for the organizational positions, the working of wrapped tokens usually needs a custodian – an important position that holds an equivalent amount of the crypto tokens that the wrapped tokens represent, the same as the amount held up in the wrapped tokens. You can say the custodian is basically the wrapper and the unwrapper of the wrapped tokens. The position of a custodian can be held by anyone or anything – a   merchant, a smart contract, a multisig wallet, or even a decentralized autonomous organization or a DAO. As for the governance of wrapped tokens, it’s usually handed in tandem by a number of custodians, who assume different roles and are handed the power to mint new wrapped tokens or burn existing ones as per necessity. 

Again, let’s take WBTC for example, to demonstrate a wrapped token’s working. With WBTC, the custodian has in possession 1 BTC for every WBTC coin created. When a merchant needs a WBTC, they have to send a BTC to the custodian. Now the custodian generates a WBTC in exchange for that merchant. 

On the flip side, if a WBTC needs to be burned and a merchant needs their BTC back, they would simply have to request the same of the custodian. The custodian would burn the WBTC accordingly and return the merchant’s BTC to them. Also, for Wrapped Bitcoin, the function of adding or removing custodians and merchants is done by a decentralized autonomous organization.   

Why Are Wrapped Tokens Advantageous?

Wrapped tokens have many advantages, but here’s the primary ones rounded up:

  1. Wrapped tokens increase interoperability between blockchains and provide a simple way to conduct exchanges, like WBTC allows Bitcoin exchanges on the Ethereum chain.
  2. Since wrapped tokens can be used to put idle assets to use and also trade these new assets on a non-native blockchain, they create the scope for more liquidity and capital efficiency. 
  3. Wrapped tokens can help traders avoid extra transaction fees on different blockchain platforms, thus they are also cost effective. 

And there was everything you need to know about wrapped tokens. To buy crypto in India, do give our website a visit. On WazirX, you can trade Bitcoin and over 100 other cryptocurrencies in India!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Pi Cryptocurrency Safe?

Pi Network (PI) is the newest digital token to catch the cryptocurrency community's interest, even before it has wholly debuted. Some users see it as a chance to get engaged in a cryptocurrency from the beginning and profit in the future, similar to how early Bitcoin adopters made huge profits by mining and keeping the coin. Other users have compared Pi to a worthless multi-level marketing (MLM) scheme.

Is Mining Cryptocurrency Legal?

Cryptocurrency mining can be time-consuming, expensive, and sporadically profitable. Mining has an appeal for many cryptocurrency enthusiasts as miners are paid directly with crypto tokens for their efforts. The legality of cryptocurrency mining is dependent on where you live. In India, there is no restriction on crypto mining.

How To Invest In Cryptocurrency In India?

There are two ways of investing in cryptocurrency, mining and via exchanges. Cryptocurrency mining is the process of verifying and adding transactions between users to the blockchain public ledger. Purchasing cryptocurrency in India is a straightforward procedure where investors simply participate by registering with a crypto exchange such as WazirX. After registering for an account, citizens can trade multiple cryptocurrencies, store cryptocurrency in wallets, and more.

Who Invented Cryptocurrency?

Satoshi Nakamoto invented cryptocurrencies and the technology that makes them function in 2009. The presumed pseudonymous individual or persons who invented Bitcoin used this identity. In addition, Nakamoto created the first blockchain database. Even though many people have claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the person's identity remains unknown.

Can I Invest In Cryptocurrency?

Yes, with exchanges like WazirX, you may invest in cryptocurrency in India. To begin, go to the WazirX website and register. After that, you will receive a verification email. The link received by verification mail will only be available for a few seconds, so make sure you click it as quickly as possible. This will successfully verify your email address. The following step is to set up security, so choose the best solution for you. After you've set up the security, you'll be given the option of continuing with or without completing the KYC process.

How Many Cryptocurrencies Are There?

There are over 5000 other digital currencies available on the internet in addition to Bitcoins. The only problem is that they haven't gotten the users' attention. Besides Bitcoins, a few other digital currencies have gained popularity among users. It's been more than ten years since Bitcoins were first released, and now they've achieved new heights thanks to their phenomenal success.

Are Cryptocurrencies A Good Investment?

Cryptocurrency has the potential to make you extremely wealthy, and the potential to cause you to lose your money. Crypto assets, like any other investment, come with many risks and potential rewards. Fundamentally, cryptocurrency is an excellent investment, particularly if you want to gain direct exposure to the demand for digital currency.

How To Invest In Cryptocurrency Stocks?

Cryptocurrency can be purchased in two ways: through mining or exchanges. The process of confirming and adding transactions to the blockchain public ledger is known as cryptocurrency mining. Cryptocurrency exchanges are another option. Exchanges make money by charging transaction fees, but there are alternative platforms where you may communicate directly with other cryptocurrency traders.

Is Cryptocurrency Safe To Invest In?

Cryptocurrency investments are subject to market risks, but if sufficient security measures are not taken, trading accounts can be maliciously accessed. Investments come with risks and uncertainties, and we cannot claim that any digital currency investment is risk-free. Buying and selling cryptocurrencies can be risky even if the trader is knowledgeable about the market and treats their coins carefully.

Is Cryptocurrency Legal In India?

In India, cryptocurrencies are legal; anyone can purchase, sell, and trade cryptocurrencies. They are currently unregulated; India does not have a regulatory framework in place to regulate its functioning. According to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), companies must now declare their crypto trading/investments during the financial year, according to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). Cryptocurrency transactions have been taxable in India when people receiving such gains are Indian tax residents or where the crypto is considered to be domiciled in India

Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency is not a legal tender and is currently unregulated. Kindly ensure that you undertake sufficient risk assessment when trading cryptocurrencies as they are often subject to high price volatility. The information provided in this section doesn't represent any investment advice or WazirX's official position. WazirX reserves the right in its sole discretion to amend or change this blog post at any time and for any reasons without prior notice.
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