Table of Contents
Namaste everyone! Week 5 has been amazing for us for two major reasons.
- We successfully completed round 2 of our alpha testing. You can read feedback results by clicking here.
- We’ve cleared all the pending KYC verifications!
We know you’ve been hard at work in spreading the word about WazirX to all your friends. It’s amazing to see our tribe asking their friends to signup. More and more people are reserving WRX every day and it’s a great sign because this helps us make WRX popular. The more popular WRX gets, the more valuable it is as network effects start kicking in. We still have a long way to go in order to ensure a solid opening for WRX so keep spreading the word and keep collecting more WRX coins.
What happened last week
(read previous week update here)
- [Done] Minor bug fixes
- [Done] Alpha Round 2
- [Done] Rolled out web app for testing for the first time
- [Cold Storage] Special Bounty program — Did not have the bandwidth for this. We have moved this for later.
What we’re building this week
- Readying WazirX for the beta launch: Beta version is where you’ll be able to perform real trades! We’ll announce our launch date as soon as we’re done with the bug fixes and improvements from Alpha test round 2.
- Building Internal control center: This will help our support team resolve your queries faster. We intend to start working towards building a first class support experience for our tribe members and this is the first step towards that. A great support is the backbone of a great product and we want to make sure we provide you with the best support experience when you’re dealing with problems.
- Announce Round 2 alpha test winners: We’ll be announcing the winners of Round 2 this week.
Something to add
We’re working hard on making sure that INR deposit and withdrawals are smooth and fast for our tribe members. However, banks have their own processes which currently don’t seem to be in sync with the fast moving world of crypto and hence things are taking longer to get done. We’re determined nevertheless to provide you with the best experience in every aspect of our product and we’re making sure deposits and withdrawals are super smooth for you. You’ll have to bear with us in the beginning but we’ll keep improving the experience week after week right from launch.
Revolutions are never easy and we’re in the middle of one. A few years from now when we look back, we’ll all probably be nostalgic about these barriers that were put on us. At the same time, I’m hoping we’ll also be proud of the fact that all of us decided to be the frontrunners in this crypto revolution.
Pat yourself on the back. It’s not easy being an early mover but you are one. We have to do this for our country and for a better future for everyone.
Jai Hind!

Nischal Shetty, CEO — WazirX. On a mission to involve every Indian in the blockchain revolution! Follow me on Twitter

*Above content is migrated from medium to wazirx blogDisclaimer: Cryptocurrency is not a legal tender and is currently unregulated. Kindly ensure that you undertake sufficient risk assessment when trading cryptocurrencies as they are often subject to high price volatility. The information provided in this section doesn't represent any investment advice or WazirX's official position. WazirX reserves the right in its sole discretion to amend or change this blog post at any time and for any reasons without prior notice.