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What Is An Ethereum Transaction And How To Check It?

By June 27, 2023July 3rd, 20235 minute read

Ethereum has emerged as a leading blockchain platform, offering a range of decentralized applications (dApps) and enabling the creation of smart contracts. Transactions are the backbone of the Ethereum network, facilitating the transfer of the native cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH), and executing smart contract functions. Understanding Ethereum transactions and knowing how to check them is essential for users to ensure the successful completion of their transactions and monitor their account activity.

This article will guide you through the concept of Ethereum transactions, explain their components, and provide step-by-step instructions on how to check them. Whether you’re a newcomer to the Ethereum ecosystem or an experienced user looking to verify your transactions, this comprehensive guide will help you navigate the process with ease.

About Ethereum Transactions

Before diving into the details of checking Ethereum transactions, let’s first understand what they are. An Ethereum transaction represents the transfer of value or information from one Ethereum address to another. Each transaction is recorded on the Ethereum blockchain, making it transparent and immutable.

When you initiate an Ethereum transaction, it undergoes several stages. Firstly, you create a transaction by specifying the sender (your Ethereum address), the recipient’s address, the amount of Ether you want to send, and any additional data required for smart contract execution. Once the transaction is created, it is signed with your private key to ensure authenticity and security. Afterward, the transaction is broadcasted to the Ethereum network, where it awaits validation and inclusion in a block.

Here’s a quick overview of how Ethereum transaction work.

How does Ethereum transaction work?

It is crucial to have a basic understanding of how Ethereum transactions work. When you initiate a transfer of Ether from one address to another, it triggers a transaction. This transaction is subsequently disseminated across the Ethereum network, where it undergoes verification by the network’s validators. After confirming the transaction, it becomes part of a block and is permanently recorded on the blockchain.

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Moving on to how to check Ethereum transactions, let’s first be familiar with the components of the transaction.

Key components of the Ethereum transaction

  • Transaction Hash: A unique identifier assigned to every Ethereum transaction. It serves as a digital fingerprint and can be used to search and track the status of a transaction.
  • Sender and Recipient Addresses: The Ethereum addresses of the sender and recipient involved in the transaction. A string of alphanumeric characters represents these addresses.
  • Gas Limit: On the Ethereum network, “gas” is the computational effort necessary to complete a transaction or smart contract. The maximum amount of gas that can be utilized by a transaction is specified by the gas limit.
  • Gas Price: The price that the sender pays for each unit of gas to encourage miners to include the transaction in a block. A higher gas price generally leads to faster transaction confirmation.
  • Transaction Status: Indicates whether a transaction is pending, successful, or failed. Checking the status lets users verify if their transaction has been processed as expected.

Now, let’s get on to the main crux of the blog, how to check the Ethereum transactions.

How to check Ethereum transactions?

Step 1: Obtain the Transaction Hash:

After initiating a transaction, you will receive a transaction hash. This hash is typically provided by the wallet or platform you used to create the transaction. Make a note of this hash, as it will be crucial for tracking the transaction.

Step 2: Utilize Blockchain Explorers:

Blockchain explorers are online tools that allow users to explore the Ethereum blockchain, view transaction details, and track their status. Popular Ethereum blockchain explorers include Etherscan, Blockchain, and Etherchain. Visit any of these platforms and enter your transaction hash in the search bar to retrieve detailed information about your transaction.

Step 3: Review Transaction Details:

Once you’ve entered the transaction hash, the blockchain explorer will display a comprehensive transaction overview. This includes the sender and recipient addresses, transaction value, gas limit, gas price, and current status. By reviewing these details, you can verify the accuracy of the transaction and ensure it aligns with your expectations.

Step 4: Monitor Transaction Status:

While reviewing the transaction details, pay attention to the transaction status. If the status is “pending,” it means the network is still processing the transaction. Alternatively, if the status is “successful,” it indicates that the transaction has been included in a block and executed. In the case of a “failed” status, the transaction may have encountered an error during execution, such as insufficient gas or an issue with the smart contract code.

Bonus: Additional Transaction Information:

Apart from the basic details, blockchain explorers provide additional transaction information, such as the block number in which the transaction was included and the timestamp of its execution. This data can be helpful in tracking the progress of your transaction and estimating the time it takes for confirmation.

What is the processing time for an Ethereum transaction?

On the Ethereum blockchain, the processing time for an average transaction typically ranges from 15 seconds to five minutes, depending on various factors. These factors include the transaction fee the user pays and the network congestion level during processing.

Following the transition from a Proof-of-Work (PoW) to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain after the Merge, Ethereum’s transaction speeds have remained relatively unchanged. Contrary to a common misconception, the Merge did not significantly accelerate transaction processing, as stated by the Ethereum Foundation.

However, there is a slight distinction in the occurrence of slots, happening precisely every 12 seconds post-Merge compared to every 13.3 seconds pre-Merge. Nevertheless, this difference is hardly noticeable for most users since transaction processing still relies primarily on network congestion and transaction fees.

When a transaction is initiated, it enters Ethereum’s memory pool (mempool), which serves as a waiting room for pending transactions until validators select them. Once a validator incorporates the transaction data into a block and adds the block to the blockchain, the transaction is considered complete. It attains finality and becomes irreversible after six additional blocks have been mined and added on top of it.

By checking the status of a transaction, traders can ascertain whether their transaction has been successful or unsuccessful and determine the number of blocks generated since their transaction was included in the blockchain.


Ethereum transactions are the foundation of the Ethereum network, enabling the transfer of value and execution of smart contracts. By understanding the key components of a transaction and learning how to check them, users can ensure their transactions’ accuracy, security, and successful completion.

In this article, we explored the concept of Ethereum transactions, their components, and the step-by-step process of checking them. By leveraging blockchain explorers and transaction hashes, users can track the progress of their transactions, verify important details, and gain insights into the Ethereum network’s activity.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to buy Ethereum in India or an experienced Ethereum user, mastering the art of checking transactions empowers you to have a deeper understanding of the Ethereum ecosystem and ensures a smooth and secure experience in managing your Ethereum assets.

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