Namaste Tribe! Status (SNT) is listing on WazirX today! 💪 Status listing schedule for 1st June (today) Status Deposits are live. You can deposit your Status to your WazirX account,…
Namaste Tribe! You can now buy Credits (CS) in India only on WazirX! 🙌 Credits listing schedule for 31st May (today) Credits Deposits are live. You can deposit your Credits to…
Namaste Tribe! If you’ve been looking to buy Pundi X (NPXS) in India, your wait’s over! WazirX is the first Indian exchange to be listing NPXS today! 🙌NPXS listing schedule…
Namaste Tribe! Going ahead with the majority after the poll results on our Telegram Channel, we’re listing IOST on WazirX today! 🙌 IOST listing schedule for 29th May (today) IOST Deposits…
Namaste Tribe! I hope all of you are super happy with the WRX being displayed inside WazirX now. It’s been one of the most requested feature until now and we’re…
Namaste Tribe! 74% of you voted for Polymath on our Telegram Channel, and going with the majority, we’re listing Polymath on WazirX today! 🙌POLY listing schedule for 24th May (today)3PM: POLY…
Yesterday, we ran a poll on our Telegram Channel asking which coin you wanted to trade in tonight’s Highest Trader Kaun, and NCASH won by a huge margin! And well,…
Namaste Tribe! OMG is listing on WazirX today! 💪OMG listing schedule for 18th May (today)OMG Deposits are live. You can deposit your OMG to your WazirX account, but you’ll be able…
Namaste Tribe! Hope things are going good with you. We’ve been having a stellar week releasing new coins every day and new features as well. We know you love Highest…