KYC is a standardized process by which financial institutions establish the identity of their potential customers and clients. You can complete your KYC at WazirX in 3 simple steps!
Withdrawing and depositing crypto has been made easy by WazirX. Select your coin, click on Deposit/Withdraw, and select the destination address. And you are done!
WazirX P2P is a platform to help investors convert their Fiat to Crypto and vice versa instantly. Investors get matched with another buyer/seller on the platform who wishes to trade their USDT for INR or vice versa. Here, the conversions are cheaper, faster & simpler for everyone!
The effective trading fees you pay will be determined by the amount of WRX held by you on WazirX. The more WRX you hold, the lower your trading fees will be. For example, let’s say that you’re holding 250 WRX on WazirX, and you buy 100 USDT worth of BTC in the USDT market. In this case, you will have to pay a trading fee of 0.15% on this order, i.e., 0.15 USDT.
A stop-limit order is a form of limit order that allows traders to protect their profits as well as limit losses, reducing the risks associated with erratic market movements. To place a stop-limit order, on WazirX you’ll need to first choose the stop price, limit price, and order volume.
The WazirX Referal Program program gives you the opportunity to be your own boss! Here, you can share your referral code with your friends and family to join WazirX, and once they do so and trade, you can earn rewards on the trading fee paid by them.
Join your peers in the crypto community through the Official WazirX channels and stay up to date with the recent happenings, announcements, and updates! If you need help related to the WazirX app or website, kindly visit our blog section. If you still face any issues, you can visit the WazirX Support section.